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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word jangan:Hear the English word audio
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jangan 1 . 1) do not . 2 should not , ought not to . jangan-kan , jangan-pun let alone , much less . 2 . vegetables cooked with soup or gravy . jangan-an green vegetables .
jangan : 1 do not . 2 should not , ought not to . JANGAN-JANGAN : 1 let us hope not . 2 perhaps , maybe . -KAN , -PUN : let alone , much less .
jangan : don't , please refrain from (doing something) .
jangan : nay
jangan begitu none of that
jangan begitu stop it
jangan beritahu orang lain not to breath a syllable about
jangan besar mulut none of your sance
jangan biarkan ada kesalahan let no mistake be
jangan biarkan ada let there be no
advisable sebaiknya . It would be a . for you not to go Sebaiknya kamu jangan pergi
amiss , kk . keliru , salah . I hope nothing is a . Saya harap tak ada yang keliru . Please dont take this a . Harap supaya hal ini jangan diteima salah .
buoy pelampung . 1 menahanmencegah supaya jangan tenggelam . 2 timbul kembali
but ksam . 1 tetapi . 2 kecuali . 3 meskipun begitu . B . me no buts Jangan mencari-cari / mengemukan alasan-alasan
bygone hal yang sudah-sudah . Let bygones be bygones Jangan bicarakan hal yang sudah-sudah . ks . silam . in b . days pada zaman yang silam

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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