
Indonesian dictionary

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English to Indonesian translation
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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word empat:Hear the English word audio
[Click the audio icon to hear the pronunciation of English words.]

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Close Match and Related Words
empat . ini these four
empat : four
empat : four . PER--AN : a four-way intersection
empat : quartet
empat baris four rows
empat belas : fourteen
empat belas fourteen
empat bulan four months
empat faktor a four factor
empat fasa four-phase
alun alun segi empat quad
ampat see EMPAT
anak kembar empat : quadruplet
and ksam . 1 dan . you a . I kau dan aku . 2 tambah . Two a . two make four Dua tambah dua menjadi empat . His Indonesian is getting better a . better Bahasa Indonesianya makin lama makin baik
arus empat four current

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

Welcome to the world's largest free Modern Online English to Indonesian dictionary & Online Indonesian to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Indonesian to English translation, English to Indonesian translation, or Numbers to Indonesian word conversion.

You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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