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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word damage:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
damage 1 kerusakan . 2 kerugian . 1 merusakkan . 2 mendapat cedera . : damaged ks . rusak . -damaging ks . yang merusak
damage : kerosakan
damage : kerosakan , kerugian ; merosakkan .
damage : kerugian
damage : kerusakan
damage : merosakkan
damage : merusakkan
damage : rosak
damaged : rosak
damaged : tercedera , bejat , rongsok , dol , gempil , cepol ; rosak .
amends j . kerugian . Youll have to make amends for the damage Kau harus membayar kerugian untuk kerusakan itu . mengamandemen , merubah . the law has been amended Undang-undang itu telah diamandemen .
asuransi kerugian damage insurance
bocor : leak leak , be leaky urinate suffer from diarrhea bleed MEN- -KAN divulge , leak (a secret) cause leak , puncture KE- -AN damage by leakage leakage , divulgence puncture -AN leak leakage PEM- one who reveals secrets PEM- -AN leaking , divulging .
bring to ruin , injure , harm , spoil , damage , kill : mencelakakan
bring to ruin , injure , harm , spoil , damage , kill you : mencelakakanmu

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
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