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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word committee:Hear the English word audio
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committee (members) : jawatan kuasa
committee , board ; origin ; apparition : lembaga
committee : jawatankuasa
committee : jawatankuasa ; panitia
committee : komite
committee : komiti
committee : panitia
committee panitia , komite , komisi . standing c . panitia tetap . to be on a c . duduk dalam panitia .
committeeman (j . -men) anggota panitia
abeyance penundaan . in a . terkatung-- katung , ditangguhkan . The matter was held in a . until the committee presented its report Masalah itu untuk sementara ditangguhkan pembahasannya . menunggu sampai paniti .
bfo (Bijeenkomst voor Federaal Overleg) Conference in Federal Deliberations (Dutch-sponsored committee that helped arrange federal gvt . in Indonesia before 195
BPUPKI : (Baden Penyelidik Usaha Persipan Kemerdekaan Indonesia) Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence
commission , committee : panitia
convene memanggil rapat . The chairman convened the committee Ketua memanggil rapat panitia itu . bersidang , berapat . Congress convenes next week Konggres mulai bersidang minggu depan .
dewan komite board of committee

Indonesian dictionary

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