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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word clean:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
clean , cleanse : membersihkan
clean , pure ; consecrated (clothes) : ihram
clean , white : safa
clean 1 bersih . 2 halal , tidak haram . 3 yang tidakmenimbulkan debu . 4 bentuk . 5 senonoh . Sl . : sama sekali . membersihkan . -cleanly kk . dengan rapi / tepat , baik , bagus . -cleaning kb . pembersihan , per .
clean : bersih
clean : bersih , membersihkan .
clean : bersih ; membersihkan
clean : bersih ; murni
clean : bersihkan
clean : cucilah
absolute ; clean : mutlak
as clean as can be : sebersih-bersihnya
babat : 1 . group , category 2 . cut away , cut clean MEM- : 1 . cut away , cut (hew) open , cut clean 2 . mow 3 . dress up 4 . bandage SE- : similar , congener , kind .
barut : MEM-- : 1 . scrub , clean , polish wipe (floors etc .) 2 . grease .
benah 1 . be(r)-benah-benah up , tidy up , clean up . 2 . small insect harmful to rice .

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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