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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word between:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
between , among : antara
between , among : di antara
between : antara
between : di antara
between : diantara
between : ke antara
between diantaranya , didepannya . in b . 1 diantara . 2 sambil . -kd . (di)antara . I sat b . the two of them Saya duduk diantara mereka berdua .
between group difference : beza antara kumpulan
between me : antaraku
a span between the tips of stretched thumb and little finger : sejengkal
ada di antara existed between
ada kalanya between whiles
among , between them : antaranya
analogy (j . -gies) analogi , persamaan , kias . One can see the a . between an ant colony and human society Orang dapat melihat persamaan antara masyarakat semut dan masyarakat manusia . by a . secara perbandin .
angle between planes : sudut antara satah

Indonesian dictionary

English to Indonesian and Indonesian to English dictionary Online - Kamus

Welcome to the world's largest free Modern Online English to Indonesian dictionary & Online Indonesian to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Indonesian to English translation, English to Indonesian translation, or Numbers to Indonesian word conversion.

You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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