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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word baru:Hear the English word audio
[Click the audio icon to hear the pronunciation of English words.]

Did you mean : bar Hear the English word audio bare Hear the English word audio bark Hear the English word audio barn Hear the English word audio arc Hear the English word audio arm Hear the English word audio art Hear the English word audio bad Hear the English word audio bag Hear the English word audio ban Hear the English word audio

Close Match and Related Words
baru . . .lalu no sooner . . .than
baru 1 . 1) new , recent . 2) modern . 3) fresh . 4) just , only so much up to now . 5) only now , just at acertain time . 6) not until , only then . 7) be in the process of . 2 . tree of seashore with large yello .
baru : 1 new , recent . 2 modern . 3 just , only so much up to now . 4 only now , just at a certain time . 5 not until , only then . MEM(PER)--I : modernize , renovate , remodel . TER- : newest . PEM--AN : modernization , renovation , remodeling .
baru : fresh
baru : incoming
baru : junior
baru : new
baru : new ; just , just recently .
baru : novel
baru bermula : inchoate
about 1 kira-kira .2 hampir .3 baru saja mau .4 dimana-mana .5 disana-sini .6 kesana-sini
acculturate menyesuaikan diri (kepada adat kebudayaan baru atau kebiasaan asing)
adapt 1 membiasakan , menyesuaikan . 2 menyadur .3 merubah . : . menyesuaikan diri . Children a . easily to new situations Anak-anak dgn mudah menyesuaikan diri kepada keadaan baru .
adaptive dapat menyesuaikan diri . He is quite a . to the new situation Ia dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan mudah kpd keadaan baru itu . a . coloring of a chameleon warna bunglon yang dapat berubah-ubah menurut
adoption 1 pengangkatan , pemungutan , adopsi , a . of a child pengangkatan anak . 2 pemakaian . a . of new rules pemakaian peratuan-peraturan baru .

Indonesian dictionary

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