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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word apel:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
apel : (the e in apel1 is pronounced uh ) apple .
apel : (the e in apel2 is pronounced eh) 1 . appeal (in law) 2 . roll call 3 . rally , assembly MENG- : to make an appeal , to take roll .
apel : apple
apel : see apel1 ( apple ) and apel2 ( roll-call ) .
apel apple
apel bluebarry blue barry
Apelles : Apeles
apiece 1 sebuah , sepotong , dsb . The apples are ten cent a . Apel itu sepuluh sen sebuah . 2 masing-masing . You may have one cookie a . Ambillah kuenya masing-masing satu .
appeal 1 seruan . 2 permohonan (dari hati ke hati) . 3 banding , apel , pertimbangan . 4 daya penarik . kki . to a . a case naik banding (dalam suatu perkara .) . : . 1 menarik 2 memohon kepada (dari hati ke h .
appel see APEL
apple : apel
apple buah apel . Shes the a . of her fathers eye Ia kasihsayang ayahnya . a . butter semacam selei apel . a . pie kue tar apel . inf . : as easy as a . pie dengan mudah . to apple-polish Inf . : menggula , menjila .
apple tree : pohon apel
applesauce saus apel . Sl . : Thats all a . Itu semuanya omong kosong
buah apel apple

Indonesian dictionary

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