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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word anggur:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
anggur 1 . 1) be unemployed , be idle . 2) lie idle . 2 . slip . cutting (of plants) . 3 . 1) grape . 2) wine .
anggur : ANGGUR1=to be unemployed , idle . (see also NGANGGUR) (ME)NG- : (same as NGANGGUR) . NGANGGUR : to be temporarily unoccupied . PENG- : unemployed person . PENG--AN : unemployment , joblessness . ANGGUR2=slip , cutting of plants .
anggur : grape
anggur bordeaux claret
anggur grape
anggur keras a heady wine
anggur kering : currant
anggur manis muscatel
anggur putih lembah moselle moselle
anggur putih vermouth
biji anggur : grapestone
botol besar berisi air anggur magnum
buah anggur grape
claret anggur Perancis berwarna merah . c . red merah anggur
cluster 1 tandan . a c . of grapes setandan buah anggur . 2 kelompok . a small c . people sekelompok kecil orang-orang . berkerumun . The crowd clustered around the injured man Orang banyak berkerumun di s

Indonesian dictionary

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