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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word ambil:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
ambil , mengambil , ambilkan : take , pick up ; ambil bagian : take part .
ambil : (see also AMBIL ALIH) take . BER-_-_-AN : give and take . MENG--I : keep taking . MENG--KAN : get or fetch for s .o . -AN : the take , the receipts . PENG- : taker . PENG--AN : 1 removal , withdrawal . 2 the taking of , making of (a decision) .
ambil : fetch
ambil : get
ambil apa adanya take a pot luck
ambil apa adanya taken a pot luck
ambil apa adanya took a pot luck
ambil atau tolak take it or leave it
ambil bagian dalam let in on
ambil bagian dalam leting in on
ambik (Call . , M) see AMBIL .
ambil , mengambil , ambilkan : take , pick up ; ambil bagian : take part .
ambil : (see also AMBIL ALIH) take . BER-_-_-AN : give and take . MENG--I : keep taking . MENG--KAN : get or fetch for s .o . -AN : the take , the receipts . PENG- : taker . PENG--AN : 1 removal , withdrawal . 2 the taking of , making of (a decision) .
an ksst . 1 sebuah , satu , dsb . May I have an orange , please? Bolehkah saya ambil sebuah jeruk? 2 per , tiap . He gets a dollar an hour Ia mendapat satu dolar per jam . lih A .
anak ambil : foster-child

Indonesian dictionary

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