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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word akan:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
akan (ke) going to
akan (menjadi) will then be
akan 1 will , about to (particle marking future events) . 2 . 1) about , regarding . 2) for , with purpose of . 3) as for .
akan : 1 will , about to (particle marking future events) . 2 about , regarding . _-_ : equally true . SE-_-_ : as if , as though . MENG- : aim , strive for . MENG--KAN : suppose . KE--AN : the future , futurity . -AN : horizon .
akan : intend
akan : shall
akan : will
akan : will , intend to ; about , relating to .
akan ada di will be at
akan ada juga there will also be
abhor (abhorred) benci akan . tidak menyukai . I a . his wickedness Saya benci akan kejahatannya . Nature abhors a vacuum Alam tidak menyukai kehampaan
abhor : benci sekali akan , merasa ngeri .
abhorred benci , kebencian , kejijikan , kemualan . his a . of corruption kebenciannya akan kecurangan .
abhorrence : kebencian , perasaan tidak suka akan .
about to , will ; regarding , concerning : akan

Indonesian dictionary

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