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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word agak:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
agak 1 rather , somewhat . 2 approximately , about . agak-agak 1 guess , vague idea , fantasy . 2 careful .
agak : 1 rather , somewhat . 2 approximately , about . -NYA : it seems , probably . BER-_-_ : intend . MENG-_-_ : 1 suspect , guess correctly . 2 consider , ponder . MENG--KAN : determine carefully . MENG-_-_-KAN : guess , figure .
agak : estimate
agak : guess
agak : rather
agak after a sort
agak belakangan somewhat later
agak besar goodish
agak besar largish
agak bulat roundish
a little : agak
approximately : agak
approximately : agak , kira-kira .
bee 1 tawon 2 saingan , perlombaan .to have a b . in os bonnet 1 pikirannya tergoda 2 agak sinting . 3 hanya memikirkan satu hal satu saja .
bit 1 kekang , gurdi . 2 sedikit . 3 agak . 4 lih BITE . b . by b . sedikit demi sedikit . not a b . sedikitpun tidak . bits and pieces potong-potong , kepingan .

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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