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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word about:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
about , concerning ; ; hit , affect : mengenai
about , concerning ; oppose , go against : tentang
about 1 kira-kira .2 hampir .3 baru saja mau .4 dimana-mana .5 disana-sini .6 kesana-sini
about : berkenaan
about : berkenaan , lebih kurang , berkeliling ,di mana-mana .
about : fasal
about : fasal ; memperkatakan ; tentang ; terhadap
about : hampir
about : kira-kira
about : kurang lebih
(raise) question about it/him : mempersoalkannya
acuh : care . MENG--KAN : heed , care about , be concerned about . >-AN : Something to which attention is given .
ad-nauseam sampai membosankan / memualkan . He talks a . about his relatives Dia berbicara tentang sanak saudaranya sampai memualkan
ado ribut , heboh , beributan , kegaduhan . Much a . about nothing Ribut-ribut mengenai hal sepele .
adu 1 compete . 2 1) complain about , 2) sue , bring legal action . 3) inform , squeal , tell on , report . 3 . sleep (of royalty) .

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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