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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Thumb:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
thumb , big toe : ibu jari
thumb : ibu jari
thumb : ibu jari tangan
thumb : jempol
thumb : menekan
thumb : menyelak-nyelak
thumb : poleks
thumb ; the best , champion ; fingerprint : jempol
thumb ibu jari . to be all thumbs canggung , kikuk . Thumbs down Tanda tak setuju . Thumbs up Tanda setuju . membaca sepintas lalu (a book) .
thumbnail thumbnail
a span between the tips of stretched thumb and little finger : sejengkal
abnormality (j . -ties) 1 kelainan . a . of the thumb kelainan dari ibu jari . 2 ketidaknormalan
amount one can hold with thumb and finger : cekak
amount one can hold with thumb and finger : cekak ; secekak
cekak 1 . se-cekak a pinch , what can be seized between finger and thumb . 2 . 1) short . 2) insufficient , inadequate . 3) too narrow , tight (of clothes) . 4) rude , coarse (behavior) . 3 . fight .

Indonesian dictionary

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  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
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