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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Theory:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
theory (j . -ries) teori . t . of relativity teori relativitas . in t . dalam teori
theory : teori
theory of computation : teori pengiraan
theory of game : teori permainan
ajar : study . BEL- : 1 study . 2 learn . MENG- : teach , train , coach . MENG--I : teach , train , coach . MENG--KAN : 1 teach something . 2 lecture , rebuke . MEMPEL--I : study carfully , in depth . -AN : 1 teaching , theory , doctrine , lesson . 2 puni
aliran teori keputusan decision theory school
automata theory : teori automata
corroborate membenarkan , menguatkan . The facts c . the scientists theory Kenyataan-kenyataan itu membenarkan teori sarjana itu .
dalil : argumentation , proposition , theorem BER- : valid , well founded MEN-KAN : 1 . eludicate , set forth an opinion 2 . defend an opinion 3 . postulate PEN- : o . who argues in favor of a certain theory PEN-AN : basing o .s . on , setting forth evide
decision theory : teori keputusan
eksponen 1 exponent . 2 exponent (of idea , theory , etc .) .
elasticity theory : teori keanjalan
elucidate membentangkan , menguraikan , menjelaskan . to e . a theory membentangkan teori .
foundation for a theory : asas
game theory : teori permainan

Indonesian dictionary

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