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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Snow:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
snow 1 salju . 2 bintik-bintik seperti salju (pada layar TV) . 3 Sl . : heroin . Sl . : menipu dengan kata-kata , mengibuli . snow-capped ks . diselimuti / bertopi salju . snow-covered ks . yang ditutupi salju .
snow : bersaiji
snow : salji
snow : salji turun
snow : salju
snow-capped : gunung yang puncaknya tertutup salji
snowball : bola salji
snowball : menghebat
snowball gumpalan salju . berlemparan bola salju , melemparkan gumpalan salju . semakin bertambah (dengan cepat) .
snowbank tumpukan salju yang besar
ban salju snow tire
batas di pegunungan di mana ada salju snow line
bersaiji : snow
deter (deterred) menghalangi . Snow wont d . him from his trip . Salju tak akan menghalanginya mengadakan perjalanan
disappear kki . hilang , menghilang . The child disappeared Anak itu hilang . The snow disappeared Salju sudah menghilang .

Indonesian dictionary

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You can use this dictionary in three ways :

  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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