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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Religion:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
religion : agama
religion : kepercayaan
religion : ugama
religion agama . Work is almost a r . with him Baginya kerja hampir sama dengan agama
religions : agama-agama
(it is) religion : agamalah
abangan : one who is not a strict follower of one's declared religion
abangan o . who does not adhere strictly to the precepts of o .s nominal religion
adherence kesetiaan ,ketaatan . a . to a religion kesetiaan pd agama .
agama : religion
agama : religion . BER- ____ : to have a religion ; BER-______ Islam : to be a Muslim ( to have Islam as a religion ) .
agama religion
anut : attentive , meek , pliant . MENG-(-I) : 1 . follow , submit to . 2 . practice , profess (a religion) . -AN : 1 . adherence . 2 . conviction , belief . 3 . fad . PENG- : follower . PENG--AN : taking up (a religion or philosophy) .
dengan berkedok agama under the mask of religion
fanatik adhering strictly to a religion

Indonesian dictionary

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