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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Property:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
property (j . -ties) 1 tanah milik . 2 milik . 3 sifat . 4 khasiat (of a drug , herb) . p . tax pajak kekayaan .
property : harta
property : kepunyaan
property : sifat ; harta
property : tanah milik
property damage : kerosakan harta
property given to someone with no inheritance rights : hibah
property held in common (by husband & ; wife) : harta sepencarian
property held in common (by husband & ; wife) : sepencarian
property line : garis hak milik
addition property of inequalities : sifat penambahan ketaksamaan
additive property : sifat berdaya tambah
apportion membagi secara adil . to a . property membagi harta secara adil
assess 1 menaksir . The city assessed my property at a higher amount Kotapraja menaksir milik saya lebih tinggi . dari yang sesungguhnya . 2 membebani . 3 menilai . How do you a . the situation? Bagaimana pen
barang2 tak bergerak real property of estate

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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