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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Prison:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
prison : jel
prison : kurungan
prison : kurungan ; penjara
prison : penjara
prison : tahanan
prison penjara , terungku . to commit / send s .o . to p . memasukkan seseorang ke penjara . to be in p . meringkuk / mendekam didalam penjara .
prison sentence : hukuman penjara
prison term : hukuman penjara
prisoner 1 orang hukuman . He was taken p . Ia ditawan / dipenjarakan . 2 tawanan . p . of war tawanan perang
prisoner : banduan
a jail , prison , in same jail , prison : sepenjara
chaplain pendeta / kiyai untuk golongan istimewa , seperti sekolah , tentara dsb . army c . imam / pendeta tentara . prison c . pendeta penjara .
commutation Elec . : penukaran jurusan arus listrik . 2 peringanan . c . of a prison sentence peringanan hukuman penjara
dalam penjara in prison
degradation 1 keburukan . the d .of a prison sentence keburukan hukuman penjara . 2 penurunan . d . in officers rank penurunan pangkat , degradasi .

Indonesian dictionary

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