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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Motion:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
motion 1 gerakan (of a car , ship) . 2 Law : mosi , usul . -kkt . , kki . memberi isyarat (dengan tangan , kepala dsb) . m . picture gambar-hidup , bioskop . m . sickness mabuk kalau naik mobil dll .
motion : bergerak
motion : gerakan
motion : menggerakkan
motion : usul
motion or proposal put forward for discussion : usul
motion persamaan gerak abraham lorentz abrahams lorentz equation of
motion picture : film
motionless tak bergerak
absolute motion : gerakan mutlak
alun : BER--(2) : 1 . heave , roll , pitch , billow up . 2 . be in steady movement . MENG-- : 1 . pitch , heave . 2 . be in steady , rhythmic movement . MENG--KAN : put s .t . in steady motion . --AN : 1 . wave (in air) . 2 . strains (music) .
analisis waktu-gerak motion time analysis
angular motion : gerak sudut
arah gerakan direction of motion
bagan daur gerak serentak simulation motion cycle chart

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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