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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Mata:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
mata 1 . 1) eye . 2) the important part of s .t . , source , center . 3) type . 4) cutting edge , point of s .t . sharp . 2 . se-(mata-mata) only , nothing other than .
mata : 1 eye . 2 the focal point , center of s .t . 3 cutting edge of s .t . sharp . MATA-MATA : spy , detective . AIR-- : tears . --AIR : spring water , water source .
mata : bye
mata : eye
mata : point
mata : run
mata : score
mata : SE-_-_ : only , nothing other than .
mata : see MATA1 (eye . .) MATA2 (SE-_-_ : only , nothing other than) .
mata air : spa
'make eyes' at s .o , flirt using eyes : main mata
a kind of fruit : mata kucing
abstruse mus(y)kil , sulit dimengerti , mendalam . Physics is an a . subject Ilmu alam adalah mata pelajaran yang muskil .
ahli kaca mata eye doctor
ahli kaca mata optician

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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