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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Jalan:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
jalan 1 road , path , street . 2 course s .t . follows . 3 way , manner . 4 course . 5 be going on , be approaching . 6 lineal family relation . 7 pass , go .
jalan : 1 road , path , street . 2 course to be followed . 3 way , method , manner . BER- : 1 walk . 2 . run (of a machine) . MEN--I : 1 walk on . 2 undergo , endure . MEN--KAN : 1 drive (a car , etc .) 2 start , put into operation or effect . PER--AN : t
jalan : alley
jalan : avenue
jalan : drive
jalan : go
jalan : inlet
jalan : lane
jalan : means
jalan : measure
ablaze 1 terbakar berkobar-kobar . The building was a . Gedung itu sedang terbakar berkobar-kobar . 2 terang benderang . The street was a . with lights Jalan itu terang benderang
access : i) jalan masuk , tempat masuk ii) capai data daripada simpanan komputer .
access : jalan masuk
access jalan masuk .There is a to their yard Ada jalan masuk ke halaman mereka
access road : jalan masuk

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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