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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Harbor:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
harbor ,hardbord beaverboard , hardboard .
harbor : pelabuan
harbor : pelabuhan
harbor master : syahbandar
harbor pelabuhan . 1 mempunyai . 2 mengandung . 3 menyembunyikan
aturan perlindungan safe harbor rule
bandar 1 harbor , port . 2 . 1) water course , channel , duct . 2) ditch , drain . 3 . 1) croupier . 2) o . who directs or finances illegal or underhand activities .
bandar : harbor , port , place for docking (of ship , airplane , etc .) .
bea pelabuhan harbor dues
beaverboard kertas tebal dan keras , harbor .
kemendur 1 commander . 2 harbor master . 3 civil official (during the colonial period) . 4 overseer , foreman .
kepala pelabuhan harbor master
kesyahbandaran harbor mastership
labuh : 1 . hanging down . 2 . classifier for curtains . BER- : 1 . anchor , dock . 2 . be at anchor . 3 . be pulled down . ME- : drop anchor . ME--KAN : 1 . drop . 2 . give birth to . PE--AN : harbor , port , dock . KEPE--AN : harbor affairs .
landlocked terkurung oleh daratan . l . harbor pelabuhan terkurung oleh daratan

Indonesian dictionary

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