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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Fowl:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
fowl : ayam
fowl unggas
fowls : ayam itik
ayam : fowl
ayam mutiara guinea fowl
bekisar cross between domestic chicken and jungle fowl
cangkir 1 . cup , small mug . 2 . spur (of a fowl , bird) .
disjointed 1 terpotong-potong . d . fowl unggas yang terpotong-potong anggota badannya . 2 terputus-putus . d . account of a trip keterangan yang terputus-putus tentang perjalanan
gelambir wattle of fowl , jowls , or other watterlike skinfold in animals . ber-(an) , meng-gelambir hang down like jowls .
gelemberan wattle of fowl
guinea guinea . g . fowl ayam mutiara . g . pig a) marmot . b) orang atau binatang yang dipakai dalam percobaan , orang coba .
jungle fowl , wild fowl : ayam denak
jungle fowl : ayam denak
kincah meng-kincah 1 rinse , wash (laundry , etc .) . 2 dress , game or fowl . 3 cleanse the genitals .
unggas bird , fowl , esp . as scientific term .

Indonesian dictionary

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