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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Family:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
family (j . -lies) 1 keluarga . the human f . keluarga manusia 2 rumpun . f . of languages rumpun bahasa . family : size ks . yang dapat memuat seluruh keluarga , cukup untuk seluruh keluarga . family-style ks . g .
family , family unit : rumah tangga
family : famili
family : kekeluargaan
family : kekeluargaan ; keluarga ; suku-sakat
family : kelamin
family : keluarga
family : keluarga , pamili .
family : keluarga , rumpun .
family : rumahtangga
a/whole family : sekeluarga
adik 1 younger brother or sister or younger cousin . 2 form of address to younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family . 3 form of address from husband to wife , boyfriend to girlfriend .
adik : 1 younger brother or sister or younger cousin . 2 form of address to younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family (esp . first cousins) . 3 form of address from husband to wife , boyfriend to girlfriend . 4 form of address .
aggrandize memperbesar kekayaan , memperluas kekuasaan . . The boss aggrandized his family at the expense of his employees Majikan itu memperbesar kekayaan keluarganya atas penderitaan pegawai-pegawainya .
aristocratic 1 aristokratis . He has an a . attitude Ia sikapnya aristokratis . 2 bangsawan . He is of an a . family Ia berasal keluarga bangsawan

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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