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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Existence:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
existence 1 adanya . to be aware of its e . sadar akan adanya . 2 kehidupan , keadaan hidup . to come into e . menjelma , menjadi ada .
existence : kewujudan
existence : perwujudan
existence of integral : kewujudan kamiran
existence theorem : teorem kewujudan
ada : 1 there is , are . 2 be , be present . 3 have , own . -LAH : am , is , are . -PUN : now , it so happens . -NYA : 1 presence . 2 existence . 3 situation . SE-NYA : whatever there is , as one finds it . BER-- : 1 . be in place ; 2 . well-off , well-to
ada in existence
adanya See ADA . 1 presence . 2 existence . 3 situation
aimless tanpa tujuaan / arah , tak bertujuan . He leads an a . existence Hidupnya tanpa tujuan .
bane kutuk . He has been the b . of my existence Ia telah menjadi kutuk dalam kehidupan saya
bring him/it/them into existence , create him/it/them : mewujudkannya
bring into existence , create : mewujudkan
cokol : BER- : settle or reside in a place , be in existence . MEN- : occupy , be headquartered .
cokol ber-cokol 1 settle , reside . 2 squat . 3 be in existence s .w . , extant . men-cokol-i dominate s .t .
create , bring into existence : wujudkan

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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