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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Cork:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
cork 1 perop , gabus , sumbat . bottle c . perop botol . 2 pelampung . c . on a fishing line pelampung tali pancing . menyumbat (a bottle) .
cork : gabus
cork : gabus ; sumbat
cork : libut
cork : menyumbat
cork : penyumbat
cork screw rule : petua putaran skru
corkage : caj menghidangkan wain di restoran
corker : kebaikan tak diduga
corker Sl . : orang atau hal yang luar biasa atau bukan main hebatnya . That story is a real c . Cerita itu bukan main hebatnya
gabus 1 . 1) tree , the soft wood of which is used as cork , scraper , etc . 2) cork . 2 . wiely eaten freshwater fish , snakehead .
gabus : cork
gabus : kind of tree , the soft wood of which is used as cork , scraper , etc . cork MENG- polish with cork PENG-abrasive , polisher .
gabus-gunung mountain cork
isolasi gabus cork insulation

Indonesian dictionary

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