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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Conscious:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
conscious 1 sadar . He was c . after his fall Dia sadar sesudah ia jatuh . 2 disengaja . to tell a c . lie berdusta dengan sengaja
conscious : perasan
conscious : sadar
conscious : sedar
conscious of : perasan
consciously , intentionally : secara sedar
consciousness kesadaran . to lose c . pingsan . to regain c . menjadi siuman kembali
bersemangat 1 conscious . 2 enthusiastic , energetic .
bewust (bewis) conscious
dengan memakai pemikiran sadar by taking conscious thought
dusin men-dusin 1 be awake . 2 be conscious of , realize .
enga ,engah 1 . be aware , be conscious . 2 . ter-engah-engah 1) panting , puffin . 2) in hurry .
fashion cara , kebiasaan , basa-basi . 2 mode . fashion- conscious ks . memperhatikan mode . f . designer pencipta mode . f . plate . a) gambar pola pakaian menurut mode terakhir . b) orang yang mengikuti mode terba .
kesadaran akan conscious thought to
kesadaran conscious thought

Indonesian dictionary

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