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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Birth:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
birth 1 kelahiran . 2 timbulnya . b . certificate akte kelahiran , surat lahir . b . control pembatasan kelahiran , perencanaan berkeluarga , keluarga berencana .
birth : kelahiran
birth : keturunan
birth : lahir
birth and death process : proses lahir mati
birth pangs : sakit beranak
birth place : bicana
birth place : bijana
birth process : proses kelahiran
birth rate : kadar kelahiran
akseptor acceptor , esp . o . who has agreed to practice birth control .
akta : official document -KELAHIRAN = birth certificate -KEMATIAN = death certificate -PERNIKAHAN = marriage license
anak : a child or offspring or descendant ; a small version of . MEMPER--KAN : 1 bear , bive birth to . 2 treat as o .'s own child . MEMPER-_-_-KAN : treat like a little child . KE-_-_-AN : childish , child-like . _-_-AN : doll .
angka kelahiran birth rate
bangsawan man of noble birth

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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