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Indonesian translation from Modern English to Indonesian dictionary online for the word Arah:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
arah / paku payung tack
arah 1 . 1) direction , course . 2) aim , direction , purpose . 2 see ARA .
arah : 1 . direction . 2 . aim , purpose . 3 . resemble . SE- : in the same direction . MENYE--KAN : point in the same direction . BER- : have an aim or purpose . MENG- : 1 . aim , direct . 2 . resemble . MENG--I : give directions to , resemble . MENG--KA
Arah : Arakh
arah : bearing
arah : command
arah : course
arah : dictate
arah : direct
arah : direction
accusative of direction : akusatif arah
aimless tanpa tujuaan / arah , tak bertujuan . He leads an a . existence Hidupnya tanpa tujuan .
alignment penjajaran . The a . of the troops was perfect Penjajaran barisan tentara itu sempurna . wheel a . garis arah roda-roda , penjajaran roda .
antene arah directive antenna
anticlockwise : lawan arah jam

Indonesian dictionary

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  1. Translate English words to Indonesian.
  2. Translate Indonesian words to English.
  3. Translate numbers to Indonesian words.

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